From the moment I moved to Chicago, I knew my destiny would be something I couldn’t quite put on my resume. As I trekked from concert to gallery opening to film screening to loft party (wearing much too little, clutching a bottle of red wine in my bag where an umbrella should have been), I was moved by the people I met; so unique, so creative, so talented, and so genuine. I inhaled inspiration and soul like the first hit of a joint after a despicable day at work, which, much too often, it was. Through thick and thin, loss and failure, and the inevitable stress of being an artist, Chicago’s art scene never failed to make me feel alive, like I was part of a movie nobody and everybody was watching at the same time.
With overflowing talent, a plethora of creative spaces, and projects being dropped on the weekly, I wanted to create a cohesive media outlet that truly captures this signature, honest, gritty energy I’ve been lucky enough to fall in love with from weekend to weekend. I want to let the art speak for itself and I want to let artists be people with stories, flaws, hobbies, and quirks for me to actually get to know and write about. Fuck romanticizing the brands and images we were manipulated to think would sell. There’s too much realness right here in Chicago and if we don’t look hard enough, and start connecting with each other again, that dazzling Chicago realness we all know and love could slip right through our fingers.
fux with magazine is my ballad, my ode, and my over-stamped passport to Chicago’s DIY arts scene and you’re all invited. To get off the bus and walk to that mysterious address your friend texted you…To follow your google maps to what looks like an abandoned warehouse… To open the doors… and to be bombarded with blaring music, thought-provoking art, and most importantly, inclusion, love, and much needed fresh air.
Do you fux with it?